Spectra Dew 350 Breast Pump
$209.00 $335.00
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At a Quick Glance:
The Spectra Dew 350 is a hospital grade breast pump with a single smooth, powerful yet gentle pumping action that will support milk supply and allow you to make short work of expressing.
A comparison of the available Spectra pumps is available on our blog. Remember we have a Purchase with Purchase Promo that gives you $20 off your next purchase when you make a purchase above $200. Use this discount code when you checkout - PwP$20. Limited to only 5 deals per month
Key Features:
- Comes with everything you need to double pump, saving you time and better supporting supply.
- Hospital grade (tends to be longer lasting and doesn't have a battery operation option)
- Closed system – a backflow filter creates a barrier between your milk and the pump motor, ensuring hygiene.
- Continuous suction pressure adjustment
- Suitable for initiating lactation and building milk supply.
- Is suitable for heavy duty use ie 8 x a day.
- One of the quieter breast pumps in the market (the Freemie Freedom still is the quetiest!)
- Higher suction pressure of 350 mmHg (other Spectra breast pumps : 300 mmHg)
- Easy cleaning
- Local set that comes with 1 year warranty by Spectra Singapore.
Important to note:
- The Dew 350 needs to be plugged in and can’t be used with a car adaptor
- You can’t change the cycle speed and doesn’t have a letdown mode, which some women need.
- Wide neck breast shield (28mm size) x 2 (24mm and 32mm shields to be purchased separately)
- Bottle x 2
- Slow flow soft teat x 2
- Tubing x 2
- Disc x 2
- Cap x 2
- Backflow filter x 4
- Valve x2
- Power adaptor
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